Combined wave and wind power plants produce more energy per area
Wind and Wave energy converters share infrastructure, services and supply chain
Wave power is more consistent and peaks with a time-delay to wind power
Price of electricity increases as wind drops and waves continue to produce energy
Wave energy is 4 to 6 times denser than wind energy
Sea states can be predicted accurately 48-72 hours in advance
The theoretical potential of wave energy is 29,500* TWh/yr, similar to current global electricity demand.
*) Mørk, G., Barstow, S., Kabuth, A. & Pontes, M., 2010.Assessing the Global Wave Energy Potential.
Wave Energy is the renewable energy source that best correlates with demand (Click reference here).
Due to low visual signature, wave energy is suited for location near shore close to populated areas. Wave energy installations impose no danger to birds.
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